
Memory-Lane Monday: Okay, so it’s no issue for you, but think about your PC?

Consumer complains that her Computer does not have any network connectivity, which means this help table pilot fish provides her a contact to accomplish basic troubleshooting prior to making a desk-side visit.“I describe the system wire to her and have her to verify that it’s connected firmly on both ends,” states fish. “Check. She actually is asked by me to restart her computer. She does. The nagging problem persists.”

So fish starts attempting to determine if the nagging problem has been all network functions, or only some. Can the net be utilized by her? “No,” user says. Okay, is it possible to send or receive e-mail? “Oh, yes, no nagging problems there,” she says.

Ah, fish states, so it’s just some network functions which are having problems? Some simple things aren’t working, but e-mail is?

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